php中,使用memcache作为session的save handler 一般会使用如下设置:
session.save_handler = memcache
session.save_path = “localhost:11211″项目配置里:
ini_set(“session.save_handler”, “memcache”);
ini_set(“session.save_path”, “″);
session.save_path = “tcp://localhost:11211″
就是连接前缀里添加了tcp:// 这是会导致php的memcache模块写入失败,切记一定不要添加tcp协议前缀!
Defines a comma separated of hostname:port entries to use for session server pool, for example “sess1:11211, sess2:11211″.
If you want to use ‘memcacheD’ extention not ‘memcache’ (there are two diffrent extentions) for session control, you should pay attention to modify php.ini Most web resource from google is based on memcache because It’s earlier version than memcacheD. They will say as following session.save_handler = memcache session.save_path = “tcp://localhost:11211″ But it’s not valid when it comes to memcacheD you should modify php.ini like that session.save_handler = memcached session.save_path = “localhost:11211″ Look, there is no protocol indentifier